“Excitement and delight”, were the words of Mulroy College Principal Fiona Temple when she reported that Mulroy College Senior girls are in their second All Ireland soccer final in three years. The team was victorious against Ramsgrange Community School from
Mulroy College receives Science Foundation Ireland Award at BT young Scientist 2014
A 5th year student at Mulroy College investigated the nutritive value of gorse and heather as a food source for mountain sheep and received the Science Foundation Ireland Special Award last Friday at the BT Young Scientist competition 2014.
Course for Parents on Restorative Parenting
Please click on the link below to find out more: Course for Parents on Restorative Parenting
On Tuesday the 19th November , thirty seven athletes from Mulroy College travelled to Gaoth Dobhair to participate in the Donegal Post Primary Schools Athletics Championship with their teacher Ms Evelyn Crampsie. All students ran well in their respective categories
Pramerica Senior Managing Director Caroline Faulkner Helps Launch Year Two of the Mulroy College Student Mentoring Programme
Pramerica Systems Ireland and Mulroy College recently celebrated the commencement of the second year of the Student Mentoring Programme, which is facilitated by The Schools’ Business Partnership (SBP) and is an initiative of Business in the Community Ireland (BITCI). The
North West Simon Community Visit Mulroy College
North West Simon spent the afternoon in Mulroy College to raise awareness of the organisation and the essential work they do.Ms Collette Ferguson addressed Ms Crawford’s sixth year class and gave detailed presentation on the Simon Community.Students were fascinated to
Leaving Certificate Applied trip to Gartan Outdoor Education Centre
Miss Crampsie’s Leaving Certificate Applied leisure studies class thoroughly enjoyed their recent visit to Gartan OEC. The group decided to undertake two new challenges – Mountain biking and kayaking. The morning session consisted of a bike safety lesson followed by
Sports Day at Gartan ETB
Click on the following link to find out more about the fantastic sports day at Gartan ETB Sport Day Gartan ETB Launch Week
Head Boy and Head Girl of Mulroy College appointed.
Congratulations to Ellen Dorrian and Christopher Dyke who have just been appointed Head Girl and Head Boy in Mulroy College and to Gillian Marley and Jamie Ivers who have also been appointed Deputy Head Girl and Deputy Head boy.
Junior Certificate Results
Mulroy College had a great afternoon celebrating the great success of their students following the results of their Junior Certificate examinations. Results were of a very high standard and both students and staff were very happy. Staff at the College would like