Computing at Third Level
Computing at Third Level Careers Portal have a fantastic dictionary explaining all the key terms used in Computer degrees at 3rd level. Click on the linck to see more: Computing at university level is a creative and wide-ranging subject.
1st year Futsal competition
First year students travelled to Finn Valley during the week to take part in a FAI Futsal competition. The event was very enjoyable and students demonstrated great team work.
Promoting positive Mental Health
Revised Leaving Certificate Points 2017
For more information on the revised Leaving Certificate Points please read the following document. Revised Leaving Certificate Points for 2017 (1)
Career Fair at Mulroy College
A Careers Fair held in Mulroy College, Milford on Tuesday last for all senior students proved a huge success. During the fair students had the opportunity to meet guests from a wide range of career sectors and they listened
Mulroy Girls’ Soccer
Mulroy College had a very successful week in Girls’ Soccer. Catherine Grier ( 3rd year) Claire Friel (2nd Year) and Eimear Sweeney (1st year) were all selected to represent Ulster in this years Girls’ Inter-provincial Soccer competition. This will be
Mulroy College enjoyed a week of promoting Positive Well-being.
Students and Staff in Mulroy College enjoyed a week of promoting Positive Well-being to coincide with World Mental Health Day during October They marked this occasion with a week of activities celebrating and promoting well-being in the school community. There
First years enjoying Uni-hoc
1st yr Uni-hoc takes place in the gym on Wednesdays lunchtime.
TY students enjoy tennis
Transition Year students at Mulroy College recently enjoyed their tennis module with Gerry Clarke, coach at Letterkenny Tennis Club. The lessons, thoroughly enjoyed by the students will run over 4 weeks.