Miss Crampsie’s Leaving Certificate Applied leisure studies class thoroughly enjoyed their recent visit to Gartan OEC. The group decided to undertake two new challenges – Mountain biking and kayaking. The morning session consisted of a bike safety lesson followed by some off -road and essential biking skills – making use of the various track, trail and ramp courses on Gartan estate. One student learned that they had “good bike skills and realised that “I love being outdoors even though I don’t spend a lot of time outside when I’m at home”. The instructor was delighted with the group’s participation and willingness to try some very difficult skills and advanced trails. Another student was delighted to find that they were able to do a lot more exercise than they thought they could. Following a brief lunch the group swapped their bikes for a wet suit and a kayak and took to the beautiful Gartan Lough for an afternoon of kayaking. Despite feeling exhausted on the bus journey home everyone agreed that it was a fun and enjoyable day and that “the mountain biking was class.”
Leaving Certificate Applied trip to Gartan Outdoor Education Centre