Mulroy College hosted a very successful Careers Fair for 5th and 6th year students. To start the fair 6th year students heard from past pupil Louise Lynch, who is currently studying Speech and Language Therapy in Edinburgh. Louise gave great advise to students on studying, exam pressure, CAO/UCAS and on moving to college. Also in attendance was past pupil Vicki Buchanan who is a nurse in Letterkenny University Hospital.
Denis Faulkner, Greentrack Agricultural Advisor.
Catherine Boner, Solicitor.
Adam Speer, Speer Performace.
Tara McGuire, ETB Training Centre.
Sally O’ Donnell,The Park Schools of Early Learning.
Sergeant Paul McGee, An Garda Síochána.
Finnoula Fox, Hair and Beauty, NWRC
Jamie Gallagher, Engineer, Donegal County Council
Lelea Mc Cusker,Principal, St. Mary’s National School
Cathy Hannigan,Science Lecturer, LYIT